Ny VOKare

  • 28 jul 2024


Till kommande höstsäsong har vi fått ett nytt superspännande tillskott i form av spanjoren Gonzalo Ferrando, tidigare springandes för Toledo Orientacion. Sistaårsjunioren Gonzalo har redan sprungit många internationella tävlingar och har bland annat lyckats med att bli Europamästare i sprint i H18 vid EYOC i Ungern 2022. Såklart har vi fått till en intervju där vi får lära känna honom lite mer:

How do you summarize your final JWOC?
A bit of mix-feelings. I had a very bad week health-wise, so the body didn’t cooperate too much and couldn’t perform at my best. Anyway, some good stable races to be happy with and a great experience to keep improving.

What brings you to Växjö?
I am currently studying Computer Engineering and I am going to Växjö for a year as an exchange student through the Erasmus program. I have always wanted to live (at least for a period of my life) in Sweden, so this is a great opportunity to experience Swedish life and enjoy its orienteering.